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Dun Laoghaire, Dublin | 01 285 7711 |

Brendan Lawlor - Expression of thanks.

LAWLOR Brendan (Charlesland, Greystones & formerly Seapoint Ave., Blackrock & Monkstown Farm) who died 28th August 2024 – Wife Pauline, son Garret, daughters Dawn & Grace and extended family of the late Brendan would like to thank most sincerely all those who attended the Reposing, Funeral Mass, the Cemetery and called to the house, all those who sent cards, made donations and sent condolences. A special word of thanks to all staff in St Vincent's Private Hospital (particularly those named at Funeral Mass), the V. Rev Fr Kevin Rowan PP for Celebrating such a beautiful and personal Funeral Mass at St Patrick's Church Monkstown, to Michael O’Donovan and staff, Musicians; Lynda Allen, Paul McGuiness & Ciarán Lawlor (Nephew), to  Paddy & Team at McCormack's Public House and to all our extended family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincerest appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions, and Brendan’s Months Mind Mass will be held on Saturday, 5th October 2024, at 6pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Monkstown.



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