Dun Laoghaire, Dublin | 01 285 7711 | podson2000@yahoo.com

The Independent Way
Pre-arranged Funeral Arrangements Plan
Planning your funeral, the Independent Way:
The Independent Way funeral arrangements plan is a pre-arranged only plan and NOT pre-paid plan. By making your pre-arranged funeral plan we believe that your loved ones will be spared much of the burden of organising your funeral, that you will have specified in every detail in advance.
Tailor Made Plans
For many people, planning their funeral has become an everyday way of looking at the future, just like making a Will. Nearly 500,000 people in Ireland have taken out a funeral arrangements plan. Usually, they have known the grief of a bereavement and don’t want their loved ones to go through the stress of making arrangements. Many of these families have established a relationship of trust with Patrick O’Donovan & Son and who better to advise them on such a sensitive topic and assist them with all the details? We also believe that the Independent Way funeral arrangements plan, offers you peace of mind.

Plan Benefits:
The Independent Way plan created for you by Patrick O’Donovan & Son is tailored to your individual requirements. Our funeral arrangers are there to advice and give assistance arranging your tailored plan.
Funeral directors’ services typically include:
Professional charges. These represent a high proportion of a funeral director’s costs and include making all arrangements for cremation or burial. Conveyance of the deceased from the place of death to the funeral director’s premises, a chapel of rest or other suitable location caring for the deceased and attending to the hygienic preparation necessary to allow viewing, if requested by family or friends. Advice on the certification and registration of death and related documentation. Provision of a hearse and other funeral vehicles. Advice on bereavement counselling.
Disbursements paid out on behalf of the family.
Third party costs are not within our financial control. These expenses include:
Crematorium fee.
Clergy/officiant’s fee.
Purchase of a grave.
Cemetery fee: the opening of an existing or new grave for burial or interment of cremated remains.
Hire of church or other venue.
Fees of musicians’ and singers etc.
Memorial, such as a headstone, entry in a book of remembrance or planting of a tree catering, floral tributes and newspaper announcements.