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Theresa (Tess) Smith - 12th January 2024.

SMITH (Dalkey, Co. Dublin) – January 12th 2024 (suddenly) at home. Theresa (Tess); dearly beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Sadly missed by her daughters Sarah and Orlaith, son Brian, grandchildren Alannah, Megan, Lukas, Riley, Sophie-lee, Ava, Dylan, Kieran, Kim, Aishling, Stacey and Alannah and great-grandsons Jacob and Mason. Also her sisters, extended family and friends.


May she rest in peace.

Reposing at Patrick O’Donovan & Son Funeral Home, Sallynoggin A96 PW73 on Wednesday (Jan 17th) from 4pm until 6pm with a gathering of family and friends for 5.45pm prayer service (All welcome to attend). Theresa’s Funeral Requiem Mass will take place on Thursday (Jan 18th) at 10am in the Church of the Assumption, BVM, Dalkey. Funeral immediately afterwards to St. Michael’s Cremation Services Chapel within the funeral home arriving for 11.45am Cremation Service.


To view the mass live click on this link and the Cremation Service live click on the link


For those who are unable to attend the funeral but would like to offer their condolence can do so on the notice section on this link or on the condolence section below.


Please Note: The links provided to live-stream the Funeral Mass and the Cremation Service are managed by an independent streaming company. The Funeral Directors accepts NO responsibility for its functionality or interruption to a live transmission.


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