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Patrick (Pat) O'Connor - 12th December 2024.

O’CONNOR (Old Bray Road, Cabinteely, Co. Dublin and formerly of Blackrock) – December 12th, 2024, (peacefully) after a short illness at home, surrounded by his family. Patrick (Pat); dearly beloved husband of Anne, much loved and devoted Dad of Jennifer, Sharon and Cathy Sadly missed by his heart broken wife, daughters, sons-in-law Barry and Chris, his adoring grandchildren Alannah, Ben and Holly, brothers Michael, Laim and Thomas, sisters Drena and Pauline, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives, friends and neighbours.


May he rest in peace.


House Private Please.


Family flowers only please. Donations if desired to the Irish Cancer Society. To make a donation click on this link


Funeral Requiem Mass on Monday (Dec 16th) at 11am in Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Foxrock followed thereafter by burial in Shanganagh Cemetery, Shankill. To view the mass live click on this link


For those who are unable to attend the funeral but would like to offer their condolences, can do so on the notices section by clicking on this link or on the condolence section below.

Please Note: The link provided to live-stream the Funeral Mass is managed by an independent streaming company. The Funeral Directors accepts NO responsibility for its functionality or interruption to a live transmission.

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