They say it’s a beautiful journey,
From the old world to the new
Someday I’ll make that journey Whack,
Just to be with you.
And when I reach that golden gate,
That leads to heaven’s door.
You’ll put your arms around me,
And I will cry no more.
The face I love is missing
The voice I love is still.
The hands that did so much for me
Are resting at God’s will.
Love always, your loving wife Frances.
As time goes by without you,
And days turn into years.
They hold a million memories
And a million silent tears.
Although we cannot see you
Your love has kept us strong.
The memories you left
Help us carry on.
So always stay beside up
It helps to know you’re there.
Thanks Dad for everything
For all your love and care.
Love and miss you always, your loving sons,
daughter, grandchildren and
Great-grandchildren. xxxx