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Dun Laoghaire, Dublin | 01 285 7711 |

Joseph (Joe) Potts

Joseph (Joe) Potts

Sallynoggin, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. 4th July 2021 POTTS (Sallynoggin, Park, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin) – July 4th 2021 (suddenly) at home. Joseph (Joe); dearly beloved husband of Anne, much loved stepdad to Owen and loving son of the late Mary (Molly) and John Potts. Sadly missed by his loving wife, stepson, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, grandnephews, grandnieces, extended family and friends. May he rest in peace. House Private. No floral tributes please. Donation if desired to the Concern. Donations may be made on line by going to Due to Government advice regarding public gatherings a private Civil Funeral Service will take place on Saturday (July 10th) at 3.15pm in the Victorian Chapel at Mount Jerome Crematorium, Harold’s Cross, D6W (maximum 36 persons). To view the service live go to https://vimeo.come/event/153499 The funeral Cortege will pass the family home at approximately 2.15pm for anyone who would like to pay their respects to Joe and family. For those who would liked to attend the funeral but cannot due to Covid-19 restrictions, can leave a personal message on Joe’s Obituary Notice by clicking on the condolence section below. “We can never prepare for the grief of losing someone so special”


Comments 08/07/2021 by Betty King RIP Joe thinking of you all at this sad time 09/07/2021 by Loretta Love you Joe I will never forget you our bond never was and never will be broken we had special bond and I will always miss and think of you every day mam and dad waiting for you rest in peace and sleep in peace you deserve it ♥️ xx♥️

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