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Margaret (Mags) Roe (née Clarke) - 22nd February 2024.

ROE (née Clarke) (Naas, Co. Kildare and formerly of Drumcondra, D9) – 22nd February 2024,  (unexpectedly), Margaret (Mags); predeceased by Paul. Sadly missed by her loving family, Michael, daughters Valerie, Patricia, Berni, Gillian and son Philip, sons-in-law Niall and Denis, daughter-in-law Vicki, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, her brothers Philip and Vincent, sisters-in-law Marjorie and Anne, nephews, nieces, relatives and a wide circle of friends. 

May she rest in peace. 

House Private.

Reposing at George Mullins Funeral Home, Naas W91 CD0K on Monday (26th Feb) from 6pm to 8pm with a gathering of family and friends for 6.30pm prayer service (all welcome to attend). Removal on Tuesday (27th Feb) to the Church of Our Lady and St. David, Naas W91 KV96 arriving for 10am Requiem Mass. Funeral immediately afterwards to Newlands Cross Crematorium, Ballymount, D09 2R9 arriving for 12 noon Cremation Service. 

To view the Requiem Mass live click on this link and the Crematorium Service click on this link

For those who are unable to attend the funeral but would like to offer their condolence can do so on the condolence section below.


Please Note: The links provided to live-stream the Requiem Mass and the Cremation Service are managed by independent streaming companies. The Funeral Directors accepts NO responsibility for its functionality or interruption to a live transmission.

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